The Social networking App for neighborhood

About Link Locality
We understand how important it is to have good neighbors and neighborhoods. All of us are living a busy and virtual life. Our society has become a concrete jungle, where we barely know our surroundings. With Link Locality, we are aiming at bringing neighbors together and creating the ‘help your neighbor’ culture back in the society which has almost diminished from the so-called modern lifestyle.
Link Locality collects all the required details and helps you to connect with people that you need on regular basis, like Professional services (Tuitions, Music, Doctor, etc.), Home support services (Plumbers, Electricians, etc.), Convenience services (Catering, Grooming, Property Rent & Sell, Taxi services, etc.). It also helps you to make local friends and groups based on your interest, social /fun activities, and hobbies. Initiate social service, group learning, and transformation in your locality. Choose your area of the network by defining the radius of your search and location. Be a part of your society’s happenings, news, and activities. Sell products and services in your locality. List helpful people/ suppliers/ content and be a contributor to society.
Link Locality Features

Build Communities

We understand the importance of your privacy. That’s why; Link Locality lets you chat with your neighborhood friends and service providers without even sharing your number. You can have a conversation and get all the necessary information. If you are not satisfied with their services, you can switch to another service provider, anytime. You do not have to disclose your information to everyone.

With features like Wall, you can post your pictures, thoughts, check nearby activity updates, and much more. The wall has 3 categories – Friends activities, Nearby activities, and Advertisements wall. You can update your friends with your latest activities, Check Ads, and even advertise to bring your neighbour’s attention to your services and products.

Make Friends

Get Notified

How Link Locality Works?

Download, Install and create your account
Link Locality is an easy to download application. Simply go to your Playstore, search Link Locality, and hit the install button. You’ll be prompted to fill in your account details like- name, address, email/phone, and Password. You may define your networking radius area based on your address and open a door for new friends and opportunities.

Explore Services & Groups in Community
Under Services, people like you and your neighbors list services, help, and support staff available in your locality. You can be a contributor to your society by adding your tried and tested nearby services or can sell your product or services. You can choose from abundant services according to your needs and contact service providers. Similarly, different groups are available based on different interests and hobbies, so you can join the group of your choice.

Share thoughts and chat with your nearby people
Chat feature lets you have interactive chats with your friends, neighbors, and service providers. You can also upload your pictures, thoughts, and ideas on the Wall section of the App. You can even stay updated with your neighborhood activities and events with the help of the wall. Make new friends by sending requests to your neighbors or people in your radius

Link Locality, the social networking app for neighbors
Link locality is a social networking app for neighbors. It lets you connect, chat, help, and build community with your neighbors. If you are looking for different services near you then you can use it as a user. If you are looking for a platform to provide your services, then you can use it as a service provider. We help to connect service seekers with service providers.

Why use Link Locality app
- Indian Social Networking App for Neighbourhood.
- Share useful information and happenings with your neighbors through wall posts.
- Make Neighbours your friend and Chat with them.
- Be part of the fun and social groups in your Neighbourhood.
- Look for trusted services in your Locality.
- Buy, Sell, and advertise your products/ services.
- It’s All Free… A platform that lets you add value to your society at zero cost.
Choose your Role
With Link Locality, you can choose your role as a contributor or a consumer for your society. As a Contributor, you can list services, products, help, and support staff and add your contribution to your society by endorsing tried and tested services. You may also choose to be a consumer by selecting the listed advertised or endorsed services and groups in your neighborhood. In other words, a contributor/service provider will have a different structure of the account and he can enjoy all the facilities and a consumer/service seeker would use his account for seeking services and other help.
Service Seeker/ User
- Stay connected with your Neighbourhood
- Search & choose Services as per your need
- Make friends with neighbors and nearby people
- Join Groups and pursue your interests
- Chat with service providers and friends
- Post on your nearby activity and friends wall
- Get products/ services endorsed by your neighbours.
Service Provider/ Contributor
- Stay connected with your Neighbourhood
- List your services/ products
- Advertise to sell your product and services
- Chat with your service seekers and customers directly
- Get your service/product endorsed
- Search & choose Services as per your need
- Make friends with neighbors and nearby people
- Join Groups and pursue your interests
- Post on your nearby activity and friends wall